Recently I joined a women's backpacking trip from our church. Last weekend we went out on our first trip, and I took Felicity and Caitlyn with me. It was an awesome way to spend some good times with my girls, while experiencing and exploring God's amazing creation.
We hiked in almost 2 miles on the Brookside McGurty trail, there it connected with the Colorado Trail. We camped one night, and then did some exploring the next day before packing out again.
It was a great introduction to backpacking for the girls. It was not to long, but defiantly a challenge. I absolutely love it that I am getting to instill a craving for adventure in my girls. I believe that God has put that sense in every girl, and He wants us to experience Him in the middle of it. I can't think of a better way to encounter Jesus than to emerge yourself in nature.
There is nothing quite like watching the sun rise over the Rockies, or seeing the majestic peaks point to heaven.
Yes, this is proof enough to me that there is an amazing creator of all things. What's is even more amazing is that He loves me, and of all the wonderful things He has made, he actually delights in me. It is a both humbling and overwhelming emotion for me to process.
What a privilege it is that I get to live in this beautiful place, and even more so that I get to share these wonderful experiences with my family!